We Present Better Oriental Music for Your Event, Wedding. Engagement. Anniversary. Invite Us!.

[ Let's The Oriental Begin ]
Quality Services
Oriental Music of Surabaya is a group of talented musicians who play musical instruments typical of China. OMS specially set up to provide entertainment services in the field of Chinese music to fill a variety of events such as wedding, engagement, anniversary, etc. OMS consists of players Guzheng, erhu, dizi which can be selected according to need. OMS alson can collaborate with electone or band, so as to provide results of collaboration are beautiful and unique.
[ Career ]
Oriental Music of Surabaya is a group that really love Oriental Instrument. Based on Surabaya, Indonesia, we start to show people how Oriental Instrument can perform many different kind of music. We bring a beautiful music and oriental atmosphere.
Born at 1990 and at 2016, we change name to Oriental Music of Surabaya.
[ Vision & Mission ]
Vision: To foster and promote oriental music around the world through education, recognition, and the creation of performance opportunities.
Mission: OMS will demonstrate leadership in innovating, developing, and expanding the oriental community so that every musician, educator, and fans has the opportunity and means to share and spread their love of oriental music.
[ Learn About ]
Our Recent Work
OMS with Dahlan Iskan
OMS Margo Utomo
OMS Indonesia Morning Show
[ They Said ]
  • Ivan Hendy
    CEO Bueno Studio
    Awalnya saya kira instrument oriental gini itu membosankan untuk didengarkan, ternyata setelah dimainkan, Wow! Keren abis! Apalagi dapat dimainkan untuk lagu2 barat dan indonesia, benar-benar membawakan warna musik yang baru. Go Internasional OMS!
  • Wenny Irawati
    CEO Bluder Ny. Erna Surabaya
    Oriental Music of Surabaya sangat profesional dan membawakan lagu-lagu yang diinginkan dengan baik. Pemain-pemainnya juga ramah dan memberikan masukan-masukan yang tepat. Good Luck Oriental Music of Surabaya.
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